There is a time when children know that they're too old to expect a birthday celebration of some sort with their parents and siblings. A 16 year old deserves a party. A 21 year old deserves a party. But I feel like after that, no way.
Let me paint a picture for you. Let's say that there is a young man who still lives with his parents. He is turning 23 this Saturday, but he's not expecting anyone to celebrate with him. He's an adult now, not a kid. His family loves to get together so he wisely told everyone, "hey, it's my birthday coming up, why don't you come on over, we'll get some pizza and watch a movie if you can."
If they have other plans, that's fine. If not, they can come over & get some free food. He didn't ask for presents, but if they get him a book or movie he likes, great. A card would have been fine. Basically, everything relaxed and no obligation on anyone. Just a chance for some family to hang out (not to be taken too lightly [see previous posting]).
What I think is totally not cool is for someone who is turning 24 or 25 who doesn't live at home having a get-together at the parents for dinner and the expectation is that you drop everything to be there and if you don't, you'll hurt their feelings. If your band is scheduled to play, you have to cancel that to make this birthday party. If you don't bring a present, that's mean and insensitive. Basically, LOTS of obligations!
I don't want to grow up, cuz I'm a Toys R Us kid...
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