Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Standards in a Worship Team

Met with Pastor Judy this afternoon. We talked about an issue that I have rarely thought about at length before now. This issue of integrity of the band and the idea of being "above reproach."

There's someone on my team that is struggling with a pretty serious thing. It's something where I cannot, under any circumstances, allow the person to be on the stage with this on their shoulders.

Also, there are some guys that want to join the team that either a) are just recently saved or b) not saved at all. Jeff Deyo actually addresses this issue on this podcast:

I can't fathom the worship team that would allow someone who is not saved to be a member! Being on a worship team means you are a leader, you have influence, and you need to be in a position to guide others into worship. How can you do that unless you first understand and embrace every facet of worship first? It's astounding!

Just to make it abundantly clear, I will NEVER under any circumstances, allow an unbeliever or baby Christian onto the worship team. I just won't.

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