Friday, June 4, 2010

Christian Movies = Great

Tonight nowGen will be screening "To Save a Life." No, not the hit song by the Fray as heard on Grey's Anatomy. A Christian movie, a genre that is increasingly improving in their quality and depth.

I remember being a kid at my old church, not mentioning any names (Native American wannbes). They once played a couple of end times movies that were filmed in the seventies. Now, I don't know if you ever seen any of these, but they had only one goal: to scare little kids. I'm freaked out right now just thinking about them.

And the sad thing is that these movies were incredibly cheesy and tasteless (contradiction, I know).

But the Christian film industry has made a comeback (Fireproof anyone?). A little bit better acting (not much), a little bit better filming, and little bit better storylines. So we'll see how this one stands up. Review to follow.

And just to plug tonight's movie - hosted by nowGen, 7pm, at LoveJoy Gospel Church, 5423 Genesee St, Lancaster, NY 14086. Open to all teenagers, 12 - 18 years old.

The movie is about a teenager who stands up for what he believes in, at the risk of losing his popularity at school. Very original.

Spoiler Alert: Kirk Cameron is not in this movie. Boo.

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