Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Moderately Conservative or Conservatively Moderate?

Politically, I feel like I'm in a weird spot right now.

In college, I was super right wing on every issue. I was a political science major, I was interning for a Republican NY Assembly member, Bush was in office, they were good times. But after I graduated from college, I find myself going through a change.

One thing is for certain, I'm not leaning left. No way. I am very much conservative on virtually all issues. I still disagree with Obama, Pelosi, Reid, etc. I'm still a fan of Rush (more of a fan of Hannity). Additionally, I'm still staying current with the issues. I still care about politics. I vote in every election and Republican primary (I did not vote for Paladino - what's up with that???).

I think the best word that describes me is...tired. Things are happening in America, both good and bad, and the one trend I have noticed is that is doesn't matter who's in office, what issue was won by which party, whether or not the Tea Party is gaining ground, etc. The economy is improving, but I don't credit Obama for that. I just think America has a way of righting itself. We're pulling out of Iraq - I see the good and bad of that. The U.S. is plodding along, despite the debates and arguments. And the fighting? I just want it to stop. It doesn't matter who I agree with. Quite frankly, I like Obama. I don't agree with his policies but generally, I think he's a good man. I think Bush is a good man too. Rush Limbaugh gets on my nerves sometimes, but so does Bill Maher.

I think that's why this clip from the Daily Show (below) appealed to me so much. I think it fits me to a T.  Watch and enjoy!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

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