Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to School

I went back to college yesterday! I even had a new notebook and pens. I was invited to take a class through Elim Bible Institute - Buffalo titled "Worship Leadership" (Why on earth would they ask me????) taught by none other than Bill Lambert.

I have huge expectations for this class. I don't care that I've been on at least one worship team for almost 10 years and I've been worship leading for about 3. I'll be the first to admit that I still have so much to learn. And Bill is perfect to teach it. He's old school which is unfortunately underestimated too often by today's generation. And he's got 30+ years of experience to give us a practical understanding of worship leadership. It's going to be a good class.

I'm personally looking forward to the fact that of the 15 or so attendees, I'm one of two young people. The dichotomy of musical preference between the generations will be funny to see play out. This will definitely be a learning experience!

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