So a few things have happened since my last blog post. For one, I went on vacation for a week. It was fantastic. Much needed. The sucky thing about vacations? They end. It's quite sad.
My vacation was with the family in the Adirondacks (Everyone kept making fun of me because I kept saying "Andirondacks" like I'm 5). We stayed at a rented house right on the shores of Long Lake about 2 minutes outside the town of Long Lake. We've stayed on this lake before and for good reason. It's the perfect lake. Just enough glorious wilderness to beloved civilization. Our house was extremely secluded on a quiet section of the lake with nobody around. It was perfect. But like I said, the town was only a couple of minutes away with grocery stores, ice cream stands, restaurants, and my favorite: WiFi! So even if there is a suggestion of trying another lake, I will refuse. Heck, I'll even review the place we went to in a subsequent post.
While on vaca, we slept, ate, read, swam, canoed, kayaked, slept, ate, read, did crosswords, boated, slept, ate, and so on. But the one thing we didn't do? Climb a mountain.
That's right. While in the midst of the High Peaks of the Adirondack Mountain Range, we neglected the mountains. I won't lie, it was out of pure laziness. My family is moderately physically fit. We are all quite capable of climbing mountains. But we didn't. And I'm not ashamed. I stared at those mountains, took pictures of those mountains, dreamed about those mountains, and shunned those mountains. But the vacation was perfect without the climbing.
So if I can get Shannon to get the pics of our vaca online, I'll post some of them here. Which means I'll probably post them in 6 months.
Meanwhile, we're back to the routine. And now it's Tuesday, I've been home since Friday night, I think I'm finally escaping vacation mode. And yet already planning my next one.
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