Friday, August 7, 2009

Kari Jobe

Shannon and I watched a bunch of YouTube videos yesterday of Kari Jobe from Gateway leading worship. She's very anointed, very talented. And she started as a no-name.

It brought me to realize that anyone on my team could be the next Kari Jobe. Who knows? No doubt I'd love to have the opportunities that she has. I want to make it big as much as the next guy. But it's not really something I'm actively striving for. But there are a whole lot of people I know that have that talent and anointing and have the potential to go far with their gifts.

It's amazing to think that God really does use anybody and everybody!

My only hope is that we remain humble and aware of who gave us our talents to begin with. That has been my prayer since the day I realized I could play and sing.

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