Monday, August 17, 2009


I love TV. I'm not ashamed to say it. You will meet many people in your life that will say, "I don't watch TV" or "I don't like to TV." News flash: THEY'RE LYING. If you have a TV, you watch it. If you watch it, you like it. So tell them to shut up. They're idiots.

Again, I love TV. I'm pretty picky about what shows I enjoy. Most of the time, if a favorite show isn't on, I'll just tune to Food Network or Discovery because the shows there are all good.

With the exception to cooking and scientific shows, I despise reality TV. Big Brother, Amazing Race, Survivor, The Bachelorette. YUCK. I won't watch that garbage. But Cake Boss, Ace of Cakes, and Top Chef? I'm all in!

Here are my top shows:
1) Psych - it's on USA and it's hilarious!
2) Burn Notice - also on USA, amazing show
3) Lost - who doesn't like Lost?
4) 24 - Jack Bauer is the man
5) Leverage - just a cool show
6) Ace of Cakes - I love Duff
7) Cake Boss - I also love Buddy and a bakery full of Italians
8) Gilmore Girls - don't make fun of me, it's my secret vice
9) Top Chef - been hooked since Season 1 and not just because of Padma
10) Heroes - show about people with super powers? I'm in.

Tonight Shannon and I have a Leverage and Psych marathon. The DVR is very full. I'm totally pumped!

"My name is Ichabod Fletchman. Sticky Icky to my boys."

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