Tuesday, August 4, 2009

the problem with having a lot of singers

I am the leader of the band at my church's youth group. A lot of talent. The problem? There are 12 singers not including myself. I have spent weeks trying to come up with the perfect rotation schedule so they all get their fair share of stage time. Unfortunately, the best scenario I can come up with, they all have a period of 4 weeks where they won't be on stage at all.

Two solutions: (1) Just do it, and see how they react to that
OR (2) do what I'm doing now and hand pick the singers night by night depending on several factors

Possible hiccups to Solution (1): They won't like it. 4 weeks of no singing - why be on the team at all???
Possible hitches to Solution (2): A lot of work on my part. And the singers will never know when they're on next until I tell them.

I think solution (2) is the only one. I will have a lot more work to do but I didn't mention the factors that will go in my decision. I will have the ability to reward those who work hard and have a good attitude by giving them more stage time and I can admonish those who are bringing the team down by withholding stage time.

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