Monday, August 10, 2009


There's a Calvin & Hobbes comic strip where Calvin is outside playing when a thunderstorm rolls in. Calvin gets angry and yells at the storm for ruining his day and in defiance, says he'll stay outside anyway. Then it starts to downpour and Calvin taunts the storm, saying it's just like taking a bath and proceeds to strip down and play in the puddles. Then there are huge claps of thunder and Calvin says, "Ooh, is that the best you got?!" And then it starts to hail and Calvin runs for cover, accusing the storm for playing dirty. It's pretty great.

I think thunderstorms are so cool. I love watching them out on the deck behind the house. The louder and crazier, the better. I like watching them in the daytime, I like watching them at night, they are just so cool.

But I will never, EVER run around outside naked in a hail storm.

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